Improving US Elections Integrity with eIDV for improve Security

The integrity and security of General Elections in the United States are of paramount importance to the functioning of a democratic society. One key aspect of ensuring these elections’ fairness and legitimacy is the process of voter identification and authentication. Electronic Identity Verification (eIDV) is a powerful tool that can significantly contribute to this crucial task.

This essay will discuss how eIDV can protect US elections and retain public trust.

Voter Registration

Preventing Duplicate Registrations

One of the primary challenges in election administration is preventing duplicate voter registrations. Duplicate registrations can lead to an individual casting multiple votes, jeopardizing the fairness of elections. Electronic Identity Verification can help address this issue by verifying the uniqueness of each voter. By cross-referencing personal information with government databases, eIDV can detect any attempts at double registration. According to the Pew Center, in 2012, approximately 24 million voter registrations in the United States were either inaccurate or no longer valid. Implementing eIDV can significantly reduce the risk of duplicate registrations, ensuring that every eligible voter has a single, valid registration.

Maintaining Accurate Voter Rolls

Accurate voter registration rolls are the foundation of a fair electoral process. eIDV ensures that only eligible voters are included in these rolls. This not only helps in preventing fraud but also streamlines the registration process, reducing administrative burden and errors.

A report by the Brennan Center for Justice found that outdated voter rolls can lead to confusion and delays at polling places.

eIDV systems can automatically update voter records with real-time data from government databases, ensuring the rolls are always up-to-date.

Voter Authentication

Securing Access to Voting Portals

With the advancement of technology, some states are considering online voting options. eIDV can enhance the security of these portals by requiring voters to authenticate their identities through robust methods such as biometrics, smart cards, or secure tokens.

In a world where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated, ensuring the security of online voting is critical. According to a report by the Center for American Progress, there were more than 160,000 cyber incidents reported in 2020, and some of these incidents targeted election infrastructure.

eIDV can play a significant role in safeguarding online voting systems by making it difficult for unauthorized users to gain access.

Preventing Impersonation

Voter impersonation is a well-known issue that eIDV can help combat. By employing multifactor authentication, eIDV verifies a voter’s identity through multiple layers of security. This makes it exceedingly difficult for someone to cast a vote on behalf of another individual. Voter impersonation can undermine the very essence of democracy, and eIDV offers a powerful solution to mitigate this risk.

Absentee and Mail-in Voting

Absentee and mail-in voting are vital options for citizens who cannot physically visit polling stations on Election Day. However, these methods have been the subject of concerns related to fraud. eIDV can be used to securely verify the identities of voters who opt for these options.

By implementing stringent identity checks for absentee and mail-in ballots, the risk of fraudulent voting is greatly reduced. According to the Election Assistance Commission, during the 2020 General Election, over 108 million Americans voted by mail, making it crucial to secure this voting channel.

Audit Trail

eIDV process leave a digital trail of voter identity verification, which can be invaluable for audits and investigations in the event of alleged irregularities or fraud. This audit trail provides transparency and accountability, crucial for maintaining the public’s trust in the election process.

In the 2020 General Election, various audits and recounts were conduct to ensure the accuracy of the results, and having a clear digital record of voter verifications could have expedited these processes.

Summing Up

Electronic Identity Verification (eIDV) has the potential to revolutionize the integrity and security of General Elections in the United States. It can help prevent duplicate registrations, maintain accurate voter rolls, secure online voting, prevent voter impersonation, and provide secure verification for absentee and mail-in voting. Moreover, eIDV systems create a digital audit trail, and protect.

against data breaches, enhance trust in the electoral process, and promote accessibility for all eligible voters.

However, it is essential to approach the implementation of eIDV with careful consideration of privacy and security concerns. Establishing a legal and regulatory framework that protects individual rights and the democratic process is essential.

By striking the right balance between security, accessibility, and privacy, eIDV can be a cornerstone in fortifying the foundation of American democracy.


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